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We need your help NOW!
Wakefield Friends Center relies on financial partners to help fund our ministry. We are always in need of General Fund Donations to cover operating costs. In addition, there are often more specific needs, and we appreciate those who help us meet those needs.
Whether it be maintenance and facilities, camper scholarships or other needs, we appreciate your tax-deductible donation to help us Build Godly Families for Today and Tomorrow!
You can give securely online with a checking account or credit card by clicking the button below.
Mail your gift to the following address.
Please include your name and address so that we can send you a tax-deduction receipt.
Wakefield Friends Center
37481 Old Wakefield Rd.
Wakefield, VA 23888
If you feel led or need to talk more about the different ways to get involved, please call
Bill Watts (757) 617-2098

It is our desire that no child will miss out on the camp experience for a lack of funds.
Your gift directly to our Campership program enables campers who are unable to pay the full fee for summer camp to attend camp.
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